+31 (0)70 34 66 558 (07:30 - 16:30 uur) | +31 (0)70 8209891 (24/7)

Single glazing

Glass Specialist Marcel is your place to be for all types of single glazing / float glass, for instance for the replacement of a pane in doors and window sills. On the basis of your wishes and measurements, we will produce your custom single glazing within 1 hour.

We have professional glaziers who can replace, fit and finish (seal) the window or the single glazing on-site.

Single glazing pricing

Do you have questions or do you need avice? Would you like to know the pricing?We look forward to being in touch with you.

Single glazing pricing goes per square metre.

Expedited glazing ordering

  • mon-thu 07:30 till 16:30 hr, fri 07.30 till 15.00 hr: +31 (0)70-3466558
  • 24 hrs service in case of emergencies: +31 (0)70-8209891

Glashandel Marcel

Diepenhorstlaan 4
2288 EW te Rijswijk
Telefoon: 070 34 66 558

URL: https://www.glashandelmarcel.nl/

Single glazing Facts

Single glazing is the base glass, it is used amongst other things for making double glazing. Single glazing is suitable for, for instance, internal windows. For outer windows we recommend double glazing, which is also called insulating glass.


Single glazing is produced using the float method, invented by Pilkington in 1951. This method entails that glass is being heated, and subsequently the molten glass is poured into a bath filled with tin. By allowing it to cool slowly, a flat glass panel is formed.