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Glass for historic and monumental buildings

Glass for historic and monumental buildings

Glass Specialist Marcel is the place to be for monument glass for any kind of monumental building. We deliver both single glazing and double or insulating monument glass in any size.

What is monument glass?

Monument glass is a type of insulating glass with an outer glass pane of drawn glass with a slight irregular curve. It contains a narrow space and a smooth inner pane fitted with a coating. This kind of glass is particularly suitable for facades in historic buildings and monuments. It will provide the building with an “ancient” look, just like it used to look when it was just built.

Monument glass pricing

If you have any questions, need advice, or want a cost estimate, we look forward to being in touch with you.

In case of an emergency you can reach us 24 hours per day at +31 (0)6 5435 2110


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Facts about monument glass

Monument glass is also known as stained glass. This kind of glass has been used since the early Middle Ages primarily in churches and cathedrals.


Glass staining is a type of glass art. Glass that has been produces in the artisanal way contains all kinds of deviations such as streaks, slight differences in thickness, or air bubbles, which causes the ingress of light to break into different directions. Particularly in coloured glass, this results in a lively play of light. For this reason, this type of glass is used to manufacture stained glass and stained glass repairs.