+31 (0)70 34 66 558 (07:30 - 16:30 uur) | +31 (0)70 8209891 (24/7)

Fire-resistant glass – Pyroguard

Fire-resistant glass – Pyroguard

Pyroguard brandwerend glas

Officieel dealer Pyroguard brandwerend glas

Official Pyroguard fire-resistant glass dealer

Glass Specialist Marcel has been official dealer of Pyroguard fire-resistant glass since 2016. Pyroguard is a leading independent manufacturer of fire-resistant glass. Fire-resistant glass is glass that will resist (a normal) fire for at least 20 minutes.

We will fit fire-resistant doors with Pyroguard in places that require an “open feel”. We thus maintain fire safety without having to install massive fire-resistant doors.

Wij plaatsen Pyroguard in brandwerende deuren op plaatsen waar toch een “open indruk” moet zijn. De brandveiligheid blijft zo op niveau terwijl er geen massieve brandwerende deuren geplaatst hoeven te worden.

Do you have any questions, need advice, or would you like to know what the costs will be? We look forward to helping you.

Order glass

  • mon-thu 07:30 till 16:30 hr, fri 07.30 till 15.00 hr: +31 (0)70-3466558
  • 24 hrs service in case of emergencies: +31 (0)70-8209891

Glashandel Marcel

Diepenhorstlaan 4
2288 EW te Rijswijk
Telefoon: 070 34 66 558

URL: https://www.glashandelmarcel.nl/

Fire resistance

Fire resistance is a measure for the amount of time that a construction (for instance a wall, door or glass pane) is able to delay a fire.
Fire-resistance is determined by means of a fire test in which the construction is placed in front of a furnace of at least three by three metres. For a ceiling, this would even be a furnace of three by four metres. The oven will subsequently be heated according to a prescribed temperature curve (usually this will be the so-called ‘Standard Heat Curve’), and within an hour reach a temperature of 950°C. During the test it is assessed whether or not the construction collapsed, how hot the construction becomes, et cetera. The time span during which the construction continues to meet the requirements, is called its fire resistance (for instance 30 or 60 minutes).