+31 (0)70 34 66 558 (07:30 - 16:30 uur) | +31 (0)70 8209891 (24/7)

Insulating glass and triple glazing

Glass Specialist Marcel is specialised in producing double glazing to order. Double glazing is also called insulating glass, HR glass, HR++ glass or thermopane glass. On the basis of your wishes and measurements we can produce custom insulating glass within one (1) hour.

Our dedicated team of professional glaziers can replace, fit and finish (seal) windows or insulation glass on-site.

Types of insulating glass

Double glazing exists in many types and sizes, and offers a number of advantages, such as the following:
• Higher insulating value, which helps you save energy (HR++ glass)
• sound-insulating glazing for more peace and quiet
• Laminated glass has a high insulating value and is less sensitive to burglary
• Solar-control glass

What does double glazing cost?

Glass is a product that is delivered to order. Prices are per square metre and depend on the type of glass. Do you have any questions, need advice, or would you like to know what the costs will be? We look forward to helping you.

Replacing single glazing with insulating glass

The choice to replace single glazing with insulating glass is sometimes made very quickly.
The advantages of double glazing are energy savings, less loss of heat and sound insulation.

Expedited glass delivery

Order glass

  • mon-thu 07:30 till 16:30 hr, fri 07.30 till 15.00 hr: +31 (0)70-3466558
  • 24 hrs service in case of emergencies: +31 (0)70-8209891

Glashandel Marcel

Diepenhorstlaan 4
2288 EW te Rijswijk
Telefoon: 070 34 66 558

URL: https://www.glashandelmarcel.nl/

Facts about insulating glass

Double glazing consists of at least two glass panes. Between these panes there is a layer that has an insulating effect. This is why double glazing is also called insulating glass. With standard double glazing there is air between the 2 glass panes. With HR glazing (high-yield glazing) this is noble gas. Nobel gas is a better insulator than air, die to which HR glass has a higher insulating value.


If you would like to save money on your heating costs, insulating glass is a good choice. Especially with HR++ and HR+++ glass your savings will be very high. These types of glass are more expensive to purchase than standard double glazing, but you will recoup this price difference quickly. For these types of glass will keep the heat in, which means that you will consume less gas or electricity. Your annual savings with HR++, for instance, can be up to to € 260. This means that you will have recouped the price difference in approximately 2.5 years.


Another advantage is the additional home comfort you will create with double glazing. With double glazing, living becomes a lot quieter, because double glazing has been designed to be noise-resistant. Do you live in a busy neighbourhood or close to a motorway? Then double glazing will certainly offer a solution. Improve your home comfort and make sure that you do not suffer from noise from outside. Moreover, in winter you will not be bothered by draughty windows and a living room that feels like the North Pole anymore. For these circumstances, double glazing is also the perfect solution.