+31 (0)70 34 66 558 (07:30 - 16:30 uur) | +31 (0)70 8209891 (24/7)

About Glass Specialist Marcel

Glass Specialist Marcel was established in 1976 and has been named after the founder’s son. Bert Mensinga took over the company from Marcel in 1996. In the past 20 years the company has grown from 2 to 5 employees.

In-house glass production facility

One of the major innovations has been the investment in all the machines that are required to be able to produce double glazing, such as a washing facility, a press, a sawing machine and a sealing machine. This production facility enables Glass Specialist Marcel to deliver double glazing in any size within 1 hour. Because of its glass production facility, Glass Specialist Marcel is unique in the Netherlands.

Together witn 5 other professionals, owner Bert ensure that quality comes first.
Our philosofy is “Quality over quantity”.

Glashandel Marcel

Diepenhorstlaan 4
2288 EW te Rijswijk
Telefoon: 070 34 66 558

URL: https://www.glashandelmarcel.nl/

Glashandel Marcel Den Haag
In onze werkplaats produceren we ook zelf glas.
Om het vervolgens bij onze klanten te plaatsen.