+31 (0)70 34 66 558 (07:30 - 16:30 uur) | +31 (0)70 8209891 (24/7)

Glass Specialist Marcel,
the bespoke glass specialist from The Hague

Glass Specialist Marcel offers a variety of glass services, including ordering glass with a unique 1-hour service, double and triple glazing, insulating glass, thermopane glass, HR glass and HR++ glass, laminated glass, single glazing, leaded glass (also double glazing), immediate replacement and fitting of glazing or windows.

Would you like to know a glass price or get an overview of the prices per type of glass, get a quote for double glazing or a price of each type of glass per m2? No problem. Please contact us and we will give you a cost estimate on the spot. We can also provide an immediate answer to questions such as the required glass thickness, the insulation value of glass, glass advice in case of condensation, et cetera, based on 50 years of professional experience.

Ordering double glazing

Glass Specialist Marcel produces double glazing to order within 1 hour and delivers glazing in the region Haaglanden and Rijnmond, including Den Haag, Rijswijk, Leidschendam-Voorburg, Scheveningen, Wateringen, Zoetermeer, Westland, and Rotterdam. We deliver to both private and business customers.

Do you have any questions, need advice, or would you like to know what the costs will be? We look forward to helping you.

Expedited glass order

On working days from 07:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Call us at +31 (0)70 3466558

24-hour calamity and emergency service: call us at
+31 (0)70 8209891